The past few weeks saw the finishing of the scarf which I knitted from the yarns I spun last summer. Actually, I finished it twice. I was so anxious to wear it, I allowed myself to cut it a bit short--and that, my friends, turned out to be a bit short sighted! Last night I undid the border at one end and removed an inch of i-cord edging so that I could add another 8" to the scarf. I just finished giving it a Eucalan soak and it's blocked out for it's second debut. I'm very fond of this scarf. Obviously, having spun the yarn myself makes it special, but also the design is my own. Nothing especially original, but still, I didn't use someone else's pattern.
I've made a few walks since 15 turned to 16. Most lovely walks. The surrounds here are so picturesque. I ventured a short ways down one of the "class VI" (unmaintained) side roads recently, because I knew that there must be a bridge spanning Halls Brook not too far along. I was right and it was beautiful there where the bridge spans, as other streams and brooks come flowing down into Halls Brook. This beautiful spot is only 10 minutes from my house on foot.
On my virgin venture down "Old Rumney Road"--another class VI path--a few weeks ago, to buy eggs from a neighbor, I discovered the foundation and memorial for the North Groton Church. It burned sometime in the 1940s. Back then, North Groton had a church and a general store! I think this coming summer I'll make an appointment to spend some hours at the Groton Historical Society which is housed in an old one-room schoolhouse down the street. I think it will be most fascinating to learn about this place's history.
It snowed again yesterday. Most beautiful. No where near the snowfalls we had last year and the year before, but I'm OK with that for this year.
I decided to make a Sunday drive up the notch this afternoon and the view did not disappoint.
I spent an hour in Lincoln looking at the skiers on Loon Mtn. while enjoying pizza, and then forayed into an antique shop where I found this old hooked rug. It has a pretty bad tear right in the center, plus another tear off to one side, but I think I can repair it. Being unsure I'd take it because of the tears, I decided to inquire about the price (it wasn't marked). The man behind the counter had to call his wife to find out asking price was $20. How could I refuse? I'm most certain it's hand hooked and I'm pretty sure I can mend the tears, and if I can't? I won't be out big bucks! I like the colors in it quite much.
I'm currently spinning some deep purple wool/mohair blend to end up in a new cap. There's also a new quilt top in the works but progressing a bit slowly since the holidays. Headway will probably pick up in the next week or so.
Here's Ciello--dear, sweet Ciello--helping me make pasta Friday evening. He was most interested in tasting! :)
I think it's going to be a good year.