So in the meantime I decided it would behoove me to work on something less challenging, and fulfilling. And that's exactly how I've proceeded. Found another lovely pattern in my favorite book and went ahead and worked on it as a scrappy quilt. The pattern is less than pronounced seeing how it's made of scraps, yet still, I am very fond of it. Scrap quilts, I dare say, are my favorite: Something from scraps. How perfectly delightful!
I have sewn all the pieces so far on my 1878 Wheeler & Wilson treadle sewing machine, but now that I will be assembling these pieces into yet larger structures and then gathering those into a quilt, I may switch to the modern--yet deficient--machine. If only because it's much faster. For shame I should succumb to such trivial concerns! I have all the time in the world! ... I haven't quite decided yet.
I laid the pieces out on the living room floor this morning to ensure a somewhat balanced--and correctly oriented--placement. Picture herewith. All that remains is assembling the pieces into blocks, blocks into rows, rows into quilt, and then 3 (most likely) borders in green, blue, and purple.
I DO love scrappy quilts.
If you tilt your head back and squint you may be able to discern the pattern that is partially obscured by the use of various tints and shades of scraps.