Salons and concerts have come and gone since I last pecked these keys here. I played Debussy's "Clair de Lune" for a Salon in VT earlier this month on the night of the full moon. It was not recorded, so I decided to record it at home the following morning. My piano was a bit out of tune (as was I!). I am on a Debussy kick at the moment, working now on his Nocturne and the Ballade. "Clair de Lune":
Our orchestral concert was last Sunday and I think it went well. Beethoven's 7th Symphony is such a great piece of music!

I'm just starting the prelude to Bach's 3 cello suite and I'm very excited about that. Much work ahead of me there. Cello choir class has ended for the semester--already! But we'll be getting together again to rehearse some Christmas music for the Music Center's open house in early December. Rehearsals start next week for Handel's Messiah which I love so much. It's sheer joy to participate in this event.
Working on a knitted scarf, and teaching my neighbors how to weave a rug in Krokbragd style:
We wound enough warp to make her a 6' rug and another 6' rug for myself. It's going to take a lot of yarn, much more than I planned, but the result is absolutely fantastic. Such a thick, comfortable weave.
The birds are well, the outdoors is getting tucked in--slowly, the music is coming along. I've much to be grateful for on this Thanksgiving day. I spent the day at my neighbors and we played "pictionary", a game I'd never played before. What fun!
Hoping you who are reading his had a wonderful, bountiful Thanksgiving.
'Tis now the season.