Friday, February 28, 2025
Owl Epilogue
Thursday, February 27, 2025
An Owl Story
Barred Owl, picture taken last year |
Monday, February 24, 2025
Stitching progress and notes
The walkway lights are trying to keep ahead of winter!
Steady progress is being made on the tapestry. I have moved beyond the halfway point!
On a large, repetitive project like this I have found that reading about the craft (needlepoint in this case) is a good motivator. History, techniques, pattern books, they all inspire me, hence boost my interest in keeping the stitches going. I have also found that having set times in the day for working on it is a boost. At the moment my favorite times to stitch are right after breakfast--usually for about an hour--before moving on to piano practice, and again for a few hours in the evening when I can watch ridiculously silly Britcoms on DVD while stitching. It helps that I've seen all the episodes before so I don't need to look at the screen all that much.
Suspending the frame from the ceiling is working out really well. I re-rigged so I can pull it up and away when I want freedom of movement around the sofa. It might seem a bit silly, but it's great! It's rigged so as to be easy to turn over, making the back readily accessible for finishing off a thread. (I prefer to finish off in back rather than park the thread to the side and wait until it's covered by other stitches.)
The tapestry is on large scale mesh: 7 to the inch (the yarn is doubled), and I felt like I wanted something a little finer to work on in spare moments, so I actually started a cross stitch. I found another kit at the thrift shop last week for $7, holiday themed and that's ok because it will likely take me all year to finish it. I like it, and at the moment the biggest trouble is finding the tiny little holes from behind the aida cloth. I keep poking away at it and hope that it will get better with practice. In the meantime, I'm turning the work around to see where the holes are quite often. But it's in hand (not in a hoop) so quite convenient to do so.
So far all I've been stitching are tent stitches because there are a lot of them on the door, so that's very much like needlepoint with the difference being that I do needlepoint in the continental style and the cross stitch as half cross stitch. I'm enjoying it.
A picture of the pattern:
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Needlepoint progress
Over the last week and a half I've managed to get the top border of the tapestry done. This does not include the green band that runs around the outside, I will do that when the rest is all done. It has gone surprisingly quickly. I attribute that to the manner in which I work. Firstly, I work on a small area at a time, maybe four inches square and I will fill it in completely. This size is just about doable in one day. If the area is much bigger it seems to drag on, if it's much smaller it's too fiddly. About a four inch square works well for me and makes the work progress--or at least seem to progress--faster. Secondly, within the area I work one color at a time, filling in all the gold, then all the raspberry, followed by all the burgandy, then all the yellow.
The Husband's Complaint
Monday, January 20, 2025
A New Year... what to work on?
Happy New Year!
The local fauna have come round to offer their greetings in this new year of 2025...