Thursday, November 23, 2017

Catch up ...

It's been a bit too long since I wrote here! Truth is, the autumn was extraordinarily busy. I had so many loose ends in the garden to attend to--finally got the beds dug and transplants made. But let's admit it: Fall flew in like mad, then ushered winter weather in overnight. I have yet to get all my garden furniture indoors, and the roses have still to be protected. There is plastic to put in the entry room windows, the cellar to be cleared so the outdoors decor can fit. How in the world did it end up Thanksgiving already!?

Salons and concerts have come and gone since I last pecked these keys here. I played Debussy's "Clair de Lune" for a Salon in VT earlier this month on the night of the full moon. It was not recorded, so I decided to record it at home the following morning. My piano was a bit out of tune (as was I!). I am on a Debussy kick at the moment, working now on his Nocturne and the Ballade. "Clair de Lune":

Our orchestral concert was last Sunday and I think it went well. Beethoven's 7th Symphony is such a great piece of music!

I'm just starting the prelude to Bach's 3 cello suite and I'm very excited about that. Much work ahead of me there. Cello choir class has ended for the semester--already! But we'll be getting together again to rehearse some Christmas music for the Music Center's open house in early December. Rehearsals start next week for Handel's Messiah which I love so much. It's sheer joy to participate in this event.

Working on a knitted scarf, and teaching my neighbors how to weave a rug in Krokbragd style:

We wound enough warp to make her a 6' rug and another 6' rug for myself. It's going to take a lot of yarn, much more than I planned, but the result is absolutely fantastic. Such a thick, comfortable weave.

The birds are well, the outdoors is getting tucked in--slowly, the music is coming along. I've much to be grateful for on this Thanksgiving day. I spent the day at my neighbors and we played "pictionary", a game I'd never played before. What fun!

Hoping you who are reading his had a wonderful, bountiful Thanksgiving.

'Tis now the season.