Actually, I had different odds and ends in mind when I decided to write this post--miscellanea of crafts and happenings.
The mood to spin visited last month and I spent some serious time treadling away in the kitchen on my old flax wheel. Until it decided it wasn't in the mood. In the space of a moment it went from spinning with a smooth purr, to throwing it's drive band off and refusing to take up new yarn. I couldn't figure it out! So I put it back in it's corner and fetched the Kromski castle wheel. Whether it's because the castle wheel feels more at home in the living room, or because I wanted a change of scenery--I know not the answer--spinning activity was moved to the living room.
I've been spinning up a set of 2 oz. samples, each from a different breed of sheep; a set that was given to me from some dear friends in Canada. Thank you, J and B! I'm spinning them all 2-ply, loose-ish singles, but well plied. 3 of the samples are currently spun up.
Top to Bottom: 76 yds of Scottish Blackface, 80 yds of Shetland, 70 yds of California Red. The California Red is absolutely fabulous. Will keep it in mind next time I'm shopping for fleece.
I need to think of something special to make when all the wool is spun.
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I was asked by the Shaker Museum in Enfield if I would decorate a tree again this year for their Festival of Trees fund raiser. Why not!? I had much fun doing one last year, and I even had an idea in mind for this year.
Pasta! Every bit of it except for some acrylic paint and glue.
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I put my own tree up last weekend. Decided on a table top size this year. Simply hasn't felt like a big tree kind of year. But most of my ornaments--which I collected over the past 30 or so years--fit. It calls in much spirit of the season and I'm glad I did one again this year. I even put the ceramic one in the kitchen, and another small one in the music room! My word, how extravagant!
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The other day I drove down the hill to Rte 118 on my way to Wentworth and the view of Moosilauke was too good to simply drive by. I had to pull over and admire the beauty for a few moments and snap this picture. Sigh. Breathtaking.
This seems as fitting a place as any to mention that the air up here is 6 degrees F at the moment and was 1 degree when I awoke this morning. Nippy!
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A couple months ago I bought a new orchid! The tag said it was Alcra. Pacific Nova - "Pacific Heights", but it blossomed this week and that ain't it! It is, in fact, a Miltonia, otherwise known as the pansy orchid for obvious reason. Very beautiful markings. They look hand painted!
Will share a few knitting projects soon ...