Suite Bergamasque played by one of my very favorite pianists of all time, Claudio Arrau:
Speaking of Debussy, we had a lovely Debussy sort of day yesterday... very atmospheric. I love these dreamy, fantastic, real yet almost illusory days:
[I'm expecting a bear to walk out of the mist any day now. Temps rose to the low 70s the other day!!! Their hibernation must be almost over. Many turkeys around the place this week (present company excepted!), and many, many birds making an appearance in the yard. Saw my first robin of the year!]
New topic. I attended my first quilter's guild meeting this evening. The Heartfelt Quilter's Guild based in Rumney, the town adjoining ours to the north. It was great! The guest speaker was Linda Baxter Lasco and she spoke of her journey and the many quilts she's made over the years. There was a show-and-tell from other members who have recently completed quilts; all the usual structured meeting points of address: treasurer's report, old business, new business, etc.; and pizza and a variety of delectable desserts. I'm very happy to have finally joined.
New topic again. Several wash cloths finished and a face towel under way on the knitting needles:
Oh! And the 8-shaft loom is almost all threaded for my next project. This picture was taken the other day shortly after I had started threading. Well under way now.
So I took several (four, to be exact) tumbles (fell flat on my back to be exact) the past 3 weeks. Ever since we passed the equinox, yet continued with winter weather activity! Twice, while shoveling and they were OK because I slipped on ice that was under the snow and my fall was padded by the snow. Once at the top of the deck stairs which was fine--more or less except that I hit my head against the rail post. Haven't done that since I was a kid, so the trip to nostalgia was nice. Finally, once again at the top of the deck stairs. This slip on the slush--which compacted when I stepped on it and made a most slippery surface--caused me to land on my back against the stair tread. I knew when I fell that something about it had a little more "umph" than the other falls. I didn't land squarely against my spine, it was a fall to the right side of my back. Now that the general discomfort and, yes, pain has subsided, I am left thinking that I might have cracked my lowest rib, in the back. I've had broken ribs before (doctors did it, not me!) so I'm familiar with the feeling. Will be making a visit to the doctor's soon just to confirm and to make sure all my bits and pieces are on the right track!
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