Thursday, August 10, 2023

Watch this space

As some of you might know (I know several of you do not know), my facebook account was hacked last week. Someone was able to get my password, and with it changed my account email address and password. They then proceeded to do things (I don't know what, but I can imagine) that are against FB policy and my account was therefore disabled. I tried going through the recovery process fb offers, but it failed to accept the photo id I uploaded (this older laptop camera isn't the best). There seems to be very little recourse for clearing up this mess.

I decided to create a new account with a different version of my name (leaving out the middle names, the one I was assigned at birth and the other I added some years back) but it too was immediately hacked and locked down. Ugh. I responded to an email from FB yesterday by uploading a photo of myself and I'm waiting to hear back from them about whether or not I will ever get my account(s) back. I think it's doubtful. FB is not known for their customer service and I've read some pretty discouraging reports online from people to whom this has happened in the past. If I do not get my accounts back I will write my congress persons to alert them (I'm sure they've heard before) to the shoddy way in which FB treats it's users. There should be a phone number to call, there should be a real person with which to converse, there should be very clear instructions about how to proceed. None of this exists as far as I can tell.

So. A crossroads. Part of me is thinking the universe may be nudging me away from FB. To be sure, I've been very displeased with it as a platform for some time. I do not think it is a good platform (too manipulative) or company. Still, with the add-ons I used and ad-blockers, the experience was manageable, if barely. Part of me is toying with the idea of setting up an email account solely for my FB account and creating a[nother] brand new profile using yet another version of my name. The problem, of course, is letting everyone know what my new account is. Several friends are only known through the FB platform and I have no other contact info for them. And then, part of me is toying with the idea of resurrecting this blog to use as a platform for sharing my craft works and important political thoughts now and then. So stay tuned, there may be life left in this blog! :)

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