Monday, May 13, 2024

Wild things, Tame things, and Sheep and Wool


That's a Dogtooth Violet (Erythronium). Ran across them while I was strimming some brambles out back last week, in the dappled shade where the forest meets the field. So, so pretty. There was a whole patch of them...

I'd never seen them before since it was an area I've managed to avoid all these years.

On the other side of the yard, in front, I found these beauties in a small patch. I have seen them in years past up on the other side of the stone wall. Glad they are feeling comfortable in approaching nearer. Trillium...

Finally, one bank on the edge of the front lawn is covered in violets this time of year. Their soft blue/purple is a sight for sore eyes...

Among the domesticated flora greeting the spring are some pretty Daffodils. I do love them so. This one is my favorite of all...

Aren't they beautiful! I must plant more next fall.

Another striking blue, Muscari...

I have a few Hyacinths that I purchased from the supermarket in years past, sold as forced indoor blossoms. I put them out in the garden when they're done in the house. This is one of them, it's getting on in years now...

My neighbor and I visited the NH Sheep and Wool festival over the weekend. These festivals are always a good vibe. It was a lovely day...

Finally, I saw the Aurora Borealis Friday night! We had clouds moving in and out but in between there were a couple of really nice displays. It was awesome. I hope you got to see them where ever you are.

Another block is finished for the quilt and the next one is started.

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