The jacket was not very complicated to knit... not from the directions I had: An extended version from School House Press. It contained Elizabeth Zimmermann's original instructions but also had them interpreted into line-by-line instructions for the whole jacket. The packet of instructions also came with size variations for adults. I may make myself one, one of these days.
But first, I've started a vest for myself for the coming holidays (yes, Christmas is only 7 months away! ;) Heehee!)
The pattern is from a book of wonderful vests called "Folk Vests" by Cheryl Oberle. There is an errata online for the book -- a good thing since I was finding mistakes in the write-up. There was also a mistake in the errata! So if you decide to get this book, lookup the errata and check them carefully.
The vest is interrupted yesterday and today so that I can whip up a cowl for my grand-niece whose birthday is this weekend. A one-skein quick-and-easy creation:
This pretty 'yarn' is called Iristape from Lucci Yarn. 50% cotton, 45% acrylic, 3% nylon, and 2% poly. Sparkly and elegant, yet fun.
That's a sweet BSJ. And you get to hold the recipient for a bit, right? I like that. And I like handing them back, too!