I have been busy removing turf for some new perennial beds. I started an arc at the far side of the front lawn 3 years ago... not a big patch, but it allowed me to have a bit of color over there. I have just completed extending the arc on both sides so that it now follows the curve of the labyrinth. I had 5 yards of compost delivered a few weeks ago, and at least 2 of them are now in these new beds, along with some plants I've been accumulating over the past month or so. I have many day lilies to transplant, and irises to thin, so the new space will fill up quickly. But my! What hard work! But worth it; oh yes, worth every moment.
I have since started to deepen the terribly neglected garden on the other side of the driveway. Last fall, I rebuilt half the low stone wall along it's edge, and will do the other half this fall. I am digging behind all the lilies and irises and the peony, to make room to thin them all out. The vision is grand, and keeps me motivated. It will feel nice when all the digging of turf is done.
On the subject of flowers, my interest in orchids is moving into a full blossom. I have had a few Phalaenopsis plants for a number of years and they have done well coming back into bloom over this time. A few years ago, I added a few Cattleyas and they too have come back--although last year the buds blasted and I'm pretty sure it was my fault... hopefully this year they will show color again. Last December I bought a Miltonia -- in flower at the time. Much to my pleasure, it is now flowering again, and I must say, the flowers are big ... and beautiful! I'm very happy it flowered again.
I also added a Dendrobium to my meager collection this summer. They are housed in a tiny greenhouse which I have situated in the only south facing window down stairs. At the height of summer, I will draw the sheer curtain to keep the strong sun from burning the plants. I placed a small humidifier on the top shelf and more than anything, I think this accounts for some of my success/luck so far. I also have a few Gesneriads in there; still love the African Violets, Streptocarpus, and Episcia.
But a bug has hit me and I'm pining for more space for more orchids and gesneriads. A greenhouse, that's what I want. Actually, I'm having visions of a sun room added to the back of my house, off the dining room. Oooh, la, la. Now there's a dream. Might as well dream big! We'll see. But I can see it all in my head.
I have started three new projects: A scarf which I'm weaving, a scarf which I'm knitting, and some more spinning. They are great go-tos when I have half an hour here or there, or need some quiet meditative time. Updates on all in time.
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