When I moved here I decided remodelling the kitchen would be a project for some other day, a day 10 years down the line probably. The countertops were vintage formica: White with specs of gold. It looked old, there were stains and I thought a little paint could go a ways in improving it's appearance. So last year (or was it the year before last? Oh dear, I can't remember!) I painted over it with special formica paint with the intention of doing some stenciling. The paint worked well and it's sat for the duration while I did nothing on the stencil front. Just a few weeks ago it occurred to me that I had completely forgotten my idea of stenciling. So I got online and browsed: Stencil after stencil after stencil on site after site after site. Nothing grabbed my fancy. A week later I tried again, and lo! I found one. Ordered it and it arrived pronto--the wonders of modern life!
So the main work arm of the counter tops has had a re-do. I sprayed a couple coats of clear acrylic finish over the stencil (actually, half of it hasn't been sealed yet, but I will do that next week--will be off the NYC in a few days) and covered them with clear plexiglass sheets that I found for cheap at the Habitat for Humanity store in Plymouth. I have a feeling the plexiglass will end up scratched in no time so it may well be replaced with glass in the not-too-distant future.
A nice result, a cheerful countertop upon which to mix my batters, potions, and stews, etc.

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