Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Brioche fun ...

The solid color brioche scarf est fini! I'm really keen on the alteration I made to turn it into a fisherman's scarf, looks dapper to me! :)

Now running a few samples in 2-color brioche to see what's next.

Brioche is fun; a tad more to keep track of than ordinary knitting but not so much to make it unpleasant. Remembering the selvedge stitches is something I need to remind myself of, and counting rows is a little different because 1 row is really a back & forth: what we would normally think of as 2 rows. The selvedge stitches are something I'll have to learn by rote for the 2-color brioche, don't see any other way around it right now. Maybe after I've knit up several inches it will make more sense and I won't have to fret over them.

The finished scarf.

The scarf laid out to dry in all it's mustachio glory.

The 2 2-color samples.


  1. Looks like a cozy scarf. Seems like you will need it a while longer this winter.
    I really like the look of your two colour samples. Bet you could have fun with those.

  2. Thanks, jak. Indeed! It's been frigid around here lately!
