These little squares are not complicated: 2 seams period! But they are a challenge because all the sewing is on the bias and that means: s-t-r-e-t-c-h-! I'm stacking the deck in my favor by using a sizing agent on the fabric before I sew, and I'm using the "IDT" (Intergrated Dual Feed) feature of my Pfaff sewing machine. It employs the presser foot to feed the fabric from above in addition to the usual feeding action of the feed dogs. It is like a built-in "walking foot". Still, every single one of my squares so far has required squaring up after the seams were sewn. No matter. It reminds me of what my ex boyfriend used to say (he was in the fashion industry): "It's only a dress!" so I say "It's only a quilt!" :)
I made the decision to use mostly solid colors in this quilt and I think the results are going to bear me out. 18 squares done, about 80 to go!
The squares are not sewn together yet, I'm going to wait until they are all made before arranging them, but this gives an idea:
Bach? Yes! It was his birthday yesterday. To help celebrate I recorded one of his 3-part inventions, one of my favorites, in Eb Major. It's on the left side-bar in case you care to have a look-see and listen. I figured out today what was causing the buzzing sound that is heard in the recording: the lamp!
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