If you've seen my house, you may recall what it looks like:
I'm endeared of this house in all it's humble simplicity. It's my first, how could it be otherwise? Besides which, it has warmth and character, no cookie cutter abode here.
But as I have previously--probably numerous times--mentioned, plans for a deck have been in my mind since moving here. On Tuesday, a few weeks ago, the contractor arrived:
It didn't take long, and at the end of day 2, the bones were taking shape:
By the end of the third day it was clear my dream was going to be a reality, and it was going to be bigger than I imagined in my mind. 22'x8' on one side and 20'x8' on the other:
They constructed it in one week--amazing to my mind! I am absolutely thrilled by the results. It's constructed of southern yellow pine which I need to let cure for a season before staining or painting. I think I will stain, but most likely not too dark.
I have since started painting the trim around the windows in an effort to make them look bigger and bring some interest to the house. I think it's working. (Since this picture was taken, I have painted all the windows except the one on the 2nd floor--I need to find someone who can manage heights. Either that or get a bigger ladder--I think if my ladder was longer I could probably manage it.):
The bed of marigolds has made a very nice showing since those pictures, as well:
Finishing with a few flowers for the Fourth:
Oh wow!!! That deck looks amazing!! They've done a wonderful job for you. I know it will get lots of use.