Not so much in the garden as the weather turned rainy and cool early on in the week--not boding well for my newly seeded lawn. Temps reached into the 70s today and I hope the seed will recognize that warmer temps will be the norm going forward! However, the lettuces are almost ready to pick, and the radishes are plumping up nicely. Everything benefitted greatly from the rains and I don't mind too much that the temps have been a little cool as these crops have a tendency to bolt if the weather warms up too quickly.
While the ground soaked up a good dose of water this week I was busy in the kitchen making soap and getting my rhubarb put up. 5 half pints of hot rhubarb grilling sauce and 7 half pints of rhubarb-orange jam. Yum, yum! The left-over orange rind became candy.

I've been in a mood to knit lately and have made considerable progress on my "advent scarf". It should be done soon; pics will follow.
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