Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hooker me... just for the record

This is my last rug. The hooking was finished just before I started this blog. It is hooked in 100% wool cut to strips 5/32" wide. The design is my own and I call it "Bird Seasons." I may be selling the pattern! :) To compare with my current project...


  1. Hi Bernard,
    Glad to find you in blogville.
    Fantastic rug! Do you ever sleep?

  2. Thanks, Heidi. :)

    Hee hee, yes, I DO sleep. I'm working evening hours these days, so I can make music earlier in the day. Most of my knitting is currently happening on the subway, and rug hooking and weaving is happening sometimes very early in the day or late at night and on weekends. :)
