Have wheels, will travel.
I drove my new old car to old New Hampshire and back this weekend. I made the trip so as to finely survey the structure I have in mind for housing the birds. It was flooded with spring melt-off! So. Well. Plan B is now in effect. ... I have tried, as best I can, to have second options for as many aspects of this move as I possibly can have. Something to fall back on if my plan A's fail. This has helped me enjoy peace of mind about such a major upheaval, change, transition--however one cares to describe it. I can sleep at night knowing that if my preferred solution doesn't work out, I can manage with the alternative.
Plan B is to house the birds for a short while in the entry-way addition to the house: A space only slightly smaller than what they now enjoy. I would really prefer not to do this, but it will be quite temporary. When I am living there, the ability to see more clearly what needs to be done and the task of executing the work will be easier--and quicker. Long term, I dream about having an indoor sheltered area for them that opens to a greenhouse which in turn opens to an outdoor flight area. Screened in of course.
This is all good. Plan B is better than plan C which is better than plan D, after all. And in the large picture of things I have very little to complain about. Neither my birds nor myself are going hungry, and we will all enjoy a roof over our heads.
Oh, I'm so excited!! I visited Plymouth Sunday afternoon. It's the home of Plymouth State University and only 7-10 miles from my new home. It's a snap to get to and appears to have--on first inspection--just about everything I might wish for. My head has been alight with fantasies and dreams and wishes about my soon-to-be new home life. I am entertaining the idea of taking classes in music education at the university. Perhaps my new cello teacher will also be found there. (I have already made inquiries at a music school in a town on the opposite side of my property from Plymouth, with good prospects.)
I'm almost beside myself in disbelief for having driven 1) in NYC, 2) the expressways and interchanges of Queens, and 3) the highways all the distance to NH. In my own car--the first I have ever owned. 35 years ago, when I last drove, "cruise control" did not exist. Whoa-ho! What a difference that makes, huh? On my way to NH I did not yet know how to use this feature of my car, but I read up on it whilst there and put it to use on my way back. It almost makes driving enjoyable. Though I must say, being a firm believer in public transportation, the notion of having my own car comes with mixed feelings. It's an awful lot of resources and energy just for one person. I will try to put it to good use helping others when I can.
Speaking of plan B's. I wish there were one for the taxes I owe this year! I'm afraid there's no getting around that one.