New York. I'm tired of the noise. ... Visited the Performing Arts Library at Lincoln Center yesterday to make a copy of a score I couldn't find anywhere else. (a few pics below) I worked there years, and years ago, very briefly. In my version of the story I quit. Ha! (I suppose one could say it was a mutually agreed upon decision.) The job was soooo boring and it didn't pay well. And I was young. However, they had the best receptions for special events.
The granny. 10 more squares done this week. 2 squares a day x 5 days, that's one row. I'll attach it over the weekend. Rest of the yarn arrived yesterday.
The birds. Doing everything I can not to worry about moving them, and I'm not really worried but I do wish it were over.
The big picture. It's been a rather trying week despite all the really good things that are happening. I was speaking with another Scorpio this evening and he mentioned in passing that the past few days have been less than stellar. Must be a star thing! Who knows?
The weekend. It's here, I've just popped the cork on a bottle of Cab. Ahhhh, that's better.
These were taken yesterday around Lincoln Center with my cell phone, hence the low quality:

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