My neighbors (Mr.
and Mrs.) have been over to work on tearing down the shed. I'm glad it's finally happening. The remnants should be gone by the end of next weekend. This evening we all enjoyed pizza and chips: Mr., Mrs., their four utterly delightful children, a good friend of theirs, and myself. Being around the young children reminded me that I miss my former students.

That was taken last evening which shows it gutted out. As of tonight, half the roof is gone. Won't be long now.
What's that in the extreme foreground, you ask? Why, that's my exercise regimen for the next week.

Two cords. Two more on order. I started stacking last night. This, to me, is good exercise. It has a purpose outside of myself and therefore is meaningful exercise. I have always found gym exercise to be very difficult. In fact I once bought a year-long membership in a gym in NYC at a hefty price only to end up going
once. Yup. I went once! Lesson learned. I had much better luck with a stationary bike that I had in my apartment some years back. I used it religiously for a whole year, and with good results. The big problem with it was the seat--it made me sore! A folded towel, as I recall, did a lot to cushion the work out. No, for sure, these constructed exercises never did as much for me as something useful--like chopping, or stacking wood. As I recall, the stationary bike faded into the background after a disastrous and, as it turns out, whirlwind relationship. Funny that: relationships in their budding can be a great boost for physical activity but depending on the circumstances, less desirable endings can set up hurdles to overcome.
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In my first few weeks here I purchased a lovely little fern and placed it on the sill above my kitchen sink. It's done well there and it's prominent location means I'm reminded to water it frequently. It's done so well that it's growth has caused it's leaves to press against the glass, resulting in constricted development on that side.
Inspired by a leaflet on macrame which I purchased at a thrift store a month ago, I decided to take time today to make a hanging holder for my sweet fern. A ball of jute and 4 beads--which I happen to have from a visit to a fantabulous store in NYC, Beads of Paradise--was just about all that was needed. Missing from my inventory was a 3" metal ring but I managed to fashion one out of a twig and some raffia. I must say I like this twig ring better than a metal one.
I'm happy that my fern is no longer restricted from growing freely on the window side of it's perch. (Recent work at the cello and piano have also opened up my left chest and shoulder area--the location of surgery several years ago--to a considerable degree so that I am no longer as restricted on that side. And, as one would expect, greater freedom on the left means greater freedom on the right. Happy developments.)
Constricted by the window pane:

Hanging happily unconstricted in it's new holder:
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Happy news on the flora front: The canna lillies I brought up from NY, which were a gift from CT--although not growing as tall up here (which could be because they had a late start)--
are beginning to blossom. Happy, happy.
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Just this week decided to take one of the first articles I wove--when I had my rigid heddle loom--and add a cross-stitch embroidery to make it a Christmas scarf. Adding a Christmas tree to each end. Just starting:
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Travelled to Hanover, NH Friday evening to hear
Vladimir Feltsman in recital at Dartmouth's
Hopkins Center. (Trivia: The Center was designed by the same architect that designed the Metropolitan Opera House in NYC.) What an inspiration. It was a real treat for him to come out after the program and converse with the audience. ... I literally laughed out loud when I went to pick up my car, which I'd left in the parking garage--in NY mode I expected to pay around $30 for the evening's parking. Total cost for the 4 hours turned out to be a whopping $1.00!!! :)
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Made big progress on the handspun stole today, down to the final stretch. Continuing to make progress on the hat... and the scarf... and continue to come up with so many new projects. I'm thinking I may need to hold a private raffle to see which one I start next! Hee hee.