Two of the patterns are slightly higher on the challenge scale. Feeling pretty good about the modified 9-patch square (hey, I think that's what it's called after all!), but the star (not the correct name) needs practice. I would have put the seam ripper to use and re-done a few of the connections but teacher advised against it, so they remain in place to remind me of the tricky bits.
The third new square was a piece of cake and it's become the vehicle for my 'signature' in this quilt. It contains the image of a bird.
Continuing to play around with placements as I add new blocks.

No walks last week as I'm back in painting mode. Most relieved and happy to report that the bulk of the painting is now done; I tackled my own room last week. Color scheme:

The prior owner's daughter painted a mural behind the door of what's now my room when she was the occupant and I've decided to keep it. I think it's a charming work of art and it melds in nicely with my new paint colors.

The office is now in a corner of the old bird's room. The loom is in there, and so is the harpsichord but that is just temporary. It will end up in my room by the end of next week. For the time being the spare bed will be a futon. When I can scrounge up the money I'd like to install a murphy bed.

I was planning to warp the loom for my stair treads today but ran out of time. That's OK because I took the afternoon to attend a wonderful concert in Plymouth by the New Hampshire Master Chorale. They do great work. You may recall I heard them perform Bach's Mass in B minor earlier this year, which was splendid. They did not disappoint this afternoon either. The program opened with Arva Part's Te Deum, a stunning piece and I leave a link to a Youtube performance here at the bottom. Sit back and enjoy. The concert featured projected photography by NH artist Christopher M. Georgia. How very special. He gave a lecture on his work before the concert began. He specializes in night time photography. Beautiful work. There's a video on his site worth watching.
A beautiful and fulfilling afternoon.
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