My neighbors came over yesterday morning and we got the loom moved upstairs as well as the harpsichord. There is now room to stretch one's legs in the music room and living room. Much better. Spent a couple hours in an intense and wonderfully productive piano practice later in the afternoon. High temps above 60 gave the day a positively balmy feel.
Not today. Had the wood stove going almost all day--and it really heats the house nicely. Outside temps in the 30s. It still makes me really, really nervous to leave the house when it's on, but I'll get used to that. It was wonderful to sit at the dining room table this afternoon working on the quilt with the warm radiance of the hearth embracing the room. Sure is romantic. Not such a bad toil either. Of course I'm not chopping my own trees and splitting my own logs, that would indeed add considerable to the effort. Simply stoking the fire isn't so bad.
The new quilting class starts Wednesday and I got my Triple Around The World top just about finished today. Good timing. I have to add 3 borders, sew on the backing and padding, and tie it up. I think I'm going to use a wool padding so it'll be of use in the winter months. At the moment I'm thinking I won't attempt keeping the fire going all night long--at least not until I gain the experience necessary--I'll simply re-start it in the mornings. The thermostat will be set around 54 so if it gets extremely cold the oil will kick in and keep the vital parts of the house going. I'll be quite cozy under my blankets and quilts.
My idea of placing a little bird in the middle of the quilt has worked out I think. It rather tickles me to have it there. I'm thinking that perhaps a little bird in each quilt I make will be my signature.
Here it is without it's 3 borders. I'm mightly pleased with the results. It has an old fashioned kind of look to it. Rather reminds me of Christmas candy. The squares around the bird may appear a little puffy: I haven't yet pressed the seams around the center strip.

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