Firstly, the 'towel' got finished. It works so well as a placemat for my "Liberty Blue" dinnerware, I'd love to make three more -- if I can find the same color cottons somewhere! Liberty Blue was produced for the US bicentennial in 1976.
Secondly, I've moved on to another mosaic knit called "Maze" which I found in Barbara Walker's "A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns". I'm making either 1) a stole, or 2) a pillow. Haven't made up my mind yet, but leaning towards stole. If so, I'll add fringe to the ends when finished. An enjoyable knit and it goes fast with bulky yarn on large needles.
In spite of the calendar saying it's spring, we're still experiencing rather wintery weather. I drove back from NY last Wednesday evening, unbeknown that a storm was hitting the northeast -- until I was just getting ready to leave the city. Rain was falling on my trip until somewhere in northern Massachusetts where it slowly turned to snow. The driving at Brattleboro, VT was tough. The car was fine (I'm quite fond of it--she handles so well in bad weather), but visibility was difficult. I was thinking that the brightly illuminated flakes, whooshing--relative to the speed of my car--against the deep dark of night, would start giving me hallucinations; but keeping my eyes moving cut down on the steady, unrelenting movement of the snowfall and made progress possible. The best was when I had someone to follow, letting them pave the way made it all the easier. About half hour up from Brattleboro the snow was less severe and visibility improved. In fact, it went quite well until the very last leg of my trip: From Canaan to Groton, NH. The disadvantage of these 13 or so miles was a lack of traffic--which I had relied upon to track out the route. On this stretch there was but one set of tracks, made by some earlier traveler, and the path was getting dim. But I made it home -- only half an hour later than expected. Don't ask me, I have no idea! It was another memorable evening. The truth is, it was really quite beautiful, and the big 18 wheelers with their lights lit up looked like Christmas. Life is grand, isn't it?
I heard today--twice--that we have a storm due this coming week. Also, I had to shovel myself out of a snowbank today... in my driveway!! Well, better there than somewhere else! Best I get some experience digging myself out while I'm within the confines of my own property; I now have a good sense of what I'm in for should such a misfortune occur when I'm not at home. It appears to me that we now have more snow on the ground than at any prior time this winter. My little garden angel is completely covered, for the first time.
One year next month! :)
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