Tomorrow I'm going shopping for compost and see if I can have it delivered. Would very much like to plant peas asap as I know they like cool weather. Going in will be: onions, peas, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, radish, lettuce, spinach, arugula, marigolds, sweetpeas, nasturtiums, morning glory, forget-me-not, and whatever else I stumble upon between now and then.
Really have to give some consideration to other interested parties, i.e. deer, bear, rodents, etc. This year will be experimental. I need to see what sort of problems I'll be up against and then I can plan better next year. I will have a good talk with all of them and make it clear that the garden's harvest is intended for my larder, not theirs. But I'll be kind and let them feast on leftovers. Maybe that will appease them.
They still need leveling and nudging into place:
While I'm at it, the area what used to be the shed is brim full of large pebbly rocks. I'm slowly sifting through it all to reclaim the stones. It'll make nice paving between the beds.
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