A new heap of material came my way recently. It is a bin from the thrift store. Not only do the contents contain several rainbow colored cottons, but also a number of quilt project kits, and some very beautiful marbleized fabric. A nice find.
This unfinished top was also in the bin. I'm sending it down to an acquaintance in Austin, seeing how I'm not really a cat person--although I do like cats. But with the birds and all, well, you know. Isn't it sweet:
Today, on a whim, I stopped at a local repurpose store and found a set of 6 needlepoint chair tops, on the cheap. Didn't take long to snatch those up! I've had an idea in mind for some time now to make a coverlet out of old needlepoints. To that end I've been collecting them as I find them for a few bucks here and there. Up till today I only had 3. Those 3 will continue to wait until I find more. The 6 news ones are terrific because they match! My plan is to make connecting patchwork using velvets, brocades, lace, etc. and turn these into a heavy lap blanket--or coverlet if it gets big enough. I think it will be quite marvelous when done, with a Victorian flare. Opulent and luscious. $25 for the whole lot of them! Yes, I lost no time whatsoever getting them to the cashier!
73 degrees this afternoon!! Lot's of melting now, about a foot to go and I think this week will probably see the end of most of it. There's a strange looking dark substance under the snow; I think it's dirt if I remember correctly. It has been a long winter!
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