Saturday, October 29, 2011

Knit wise... the baby blanket is finished

Just finished tying the front and back together. It has turned out a pretty little quilt and I'm well pleased by it. The dimenstions are slightly over 36"x36". It was worth taking the time to knit the backing; makes it all the more special. I took a few chances and I think they paid off. I wish I could explain how lovely it feels to hold... When I was a child we called quilts and duvets "puffs", "I need a puff for my bed" was commonly heard about the house in the late fall. That's what this baby blanket feels like: A puff. :) Gotta ship it off asap. I have a hunch they're going to need it pronto. (See last photo)

The front. I decided to have the ties in the back because I did not want to destroy the impressionistic feel of the Noro front.

The back with the ties in place.

The edge on the front side. It shows how I picked up and knit along the perpendicular knitting, and picked up and knit plus knit through the back of the picked up stitch along the parallel stitches. There is only 1 or 2 rows of knitting before the purl row which turns the knitting onto the backside.

Based on the weather we're having here in NYC I think they in Vermont will make good use of this puff soon. I snapped this picture out my front window early this afternoon! It's October 29!!


  1. WOW!! And again I say WOW!! What a beautiful blanket. You've done an amazing job. As one who knows very little about knitting, I find your attaching of the backing intriguing. : )
    What an heirloom treasure your gift will be for the baby and the family in VT.
    Had heard you likely had some snow. We who are in the so called snow belt in SW ON, have had not even a flurry.

  2. Thank you, jak.

    You know when I was a child I always wished it would snow before my birthday which falls sometime in the early part of November. My wish came true every now and then, but never do I recall snow falling in October! I love it.
